Read More: kraalEven though I’ve seen Birdy the Mighty a few times, I didn’t notice until recently that two of the posters (bottom left) in Senkawa Tsutomu’s room are of Izumi Noa from Patlabor. More specifically, they’re illustrations by Takada Akemi who worked on the TV series. If you didn’t already know, Yuuki Masami is the artist…
Read More: idemA swirl on an index finger or thumb is a common sight in anime, but one on Monica’s foot in Yakitate!! Japan was a curious sight indeed… Sorting through my screen caps of Kaleido Star, I found quite a few interesting things. First, the poster for “The Mermaid” seemed odd. Since it’s a bit…
Ultraman and Optimus Prime?
Read More: Ultraman and Optimus Prime?A Transformer in this show tastes irony…
Read More: ginghamThe first pic on the left comes from Gad Guard and the next one is from Speed Grapher. I’ve mentioned a link between these two series before, but I overlooked the use of “Sunday” so I thought I’d mention it here. The third picture is also from Gad Guard, but the fourth…