Month: July 2004

  • nen

    I know most people have other things that are more important in mind, but for those of you with nothing else to care about, Kitchen Discotheque is now 1 year old. Yay! It grew a lot more than I originally expected, and I can only say that I am quite pleased with the results. I…

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  • ton

    I was watching Yumeria the other day, and, as usual, I noticed something odd. A mallet is a typical slapstick instrument in anime, but it usually isn’t labeled with a specific number. This is not to say that there aren’t mallets with numbers or other labels (Kaori’s mallets in City Hunter usually have numbers on…

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  • Demys

    Because after a hard day of playing soccer all you want is Demys…

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  • Spatulas

    Hisui-chan?! Oh wait, my mistake…

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  • quinine

    For those of you who haven’t been keeping up, there is a lengthy debate over at Revolve Translations over terminology used in Tsukihime, Melty Blood, and Fate/Stay Night. Talented translators are still needed… I also ran across a page of links for the various OS-tan with a funny caption at the top: “This site is…

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  • Combustible Campus Guardress

    30,000 years is a long time to wait for revenge… History is about to repeat itself, and Kijima Touta is seeking retribution from Chiryuu, Tenkuu, Jinno Hazumi, and Jinno Takumi for thwarting his plans. He was painfully close to opening a gateway to his home dimension, which would’ve allowed his army to invade the earth,…

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  • outage

    My DSL was out for a bit, so I decided to add to the content of the site. I added Combustible Campus Guardress to the Favorties section. I also discovered a new spatula and a new tidebreaker. Finally, I give you the Pic of the Week.

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  • Luck Strik

    They may work for royalty, but they still can’t afford to buy a proper brand…

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  • Spatulas

    Ryourishiteru ze! Baby…

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