Month: October 2003

  • manimate

    Proof that men make up the majority of people in the anime business…

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  • narthex

    Two words: Ninja Popes. This was the result of talking to one of my friends about random things. This is a perfect example of how a seemingly normal conversation with some of my friends can become very, very wrong… Without further ado, check out the new Pic of the Week.

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  • euchre

    I fiddled with the site a bit to streamline its operation – changed some of the icons from .jpg to .gif and recompressed the logos for each page. If something is broken on the site, let me know since I did a major overhaul.

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  • davit

    A new Pic of the Week for those of you who like to play billiards.

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  • Billiards?

    Apparently, the letter O isn’t the only thing that’s big in Paradigm City. It’s not really an ad, but oh well…

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  • hod

    In what can only be seen as a conspiracy of the universe against me, my Casio – DATA BANK (DB-35H) watch died a horrible death. Further proof of a conspiracy arose when I was watching Law & Order. One of the officers actually said, “I Googled the name…” After that, I paid closer attention to…

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  • The Watch Conspiracy

    I used to think that a watch would last longer than the battery. I was proven wrong. Twice. I suppose it’s a bit misleading to say that both of my watches broke since I managed to partially resurrect one of them, but it amounts to the same thing. I got my Casio – DATA BANK…

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  • breccia

    Man, the site has been acting slow over the last couple days – not that anyone has probably noticed or cares. Oh well. You get what you pay for. I watched Kill Bill the other day. Very entertaining. I think one needs to go into this movie knowing that Quentin Tarantino loves the type of…

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    I don’t know about you, but I think BOCARI SWEET sounds more appetizing than the original…

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  • hackie

    Arnold Schwarzenegger was voted in as governor of California yesterday. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry…

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