Read More: maidI was playing Melty Blood Re•ACT with Ryan the other day, and I came across in Version 2.004. I was using Hisui and Kohaku, and Ryan was using Arcueid. I had Hisui in control and used the 214+B attack while at the same time Ryan did the 41236+C attack while in Blood Heat Mode. Arcueid’s…
Read More: nailOne of the sillier notions in anime is the nail bat. I don’t know about you, but I had never seen such a thing until I watched anime. The bat is a pretty common weapon in the states, but I don’t recall ever seeing any with nails in them; I could have just missed…
Read More: oleanderI was surfing around the other day and I ran into a page with a ton of links to doujin artists. Too many, in fact… Also, for those of you who don’t know already, there’s a new habanero-tan comic out. That makes 10! As you sort through the previous pages, don’t forget to take a…
Read More: accelerationI got my prize from AnimeOnDVD.com the other day, and I thank them for their prompt delivery of my prize. I could mention an experience I’ve had in the past, but I’ve already ranted about that, so there’s no need for me to beat a dead horse. Physics in anime doesn’t usually catch my attention,…
Read More: kattaI never thought it would happen, but it seems like I won a copy of Urusei Yatsura: Remember My Love, the third movie, from AnimeOnDVD.com (news on Monday, August 16th, 4:53 PM). Cool. As I was typing in the entry, I thought, “I already have a copy of it on VHS back in Alaska (I…
Read More: yarrowI stumbled across a strange link that has a flash parody of the opening sequence of Pretty Cure. If you didn’t already notice, instead of saying “Purikyua” they say “Purikuma” (kuma=bear). Odd… Today is the last day of Comic Market 66 and a Super Robot Taisen-type game called Battle Fantasia Kirara is supposed to debut…