Month: August 2005


    FIITNESS for FAT IONs is the first step. VOGLE is the next…

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  • rennet

    I had saved the top pic from Teizokurei Daydream a while ago because I thought that Suzuran Doori might be an actual place, but I neglected to look anything up on it (neglecting things is the first sign of old age… tabun). I noticed another instance in Suzuka, so I looked around and found a…

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  • Spatulas


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    It’s "Gentle on Your Body"…

    Read More: SOAK WATER
  • ocellus

    Everybody and their mother has probably commented on the first pic from SHUFFLE! (it stands for “Kitto Kitto Kaede”), so I never felt the need to mention it here until I saw a recent episode of Peach Girl.    While the first one has a reasonable explanation, the second one makes me wonder what it…

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  • I.S.A Snoopy

    An old mascot, for an old technology, in an old anime…

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  • maenad

    When I saw the pic on the left from Hani Hani: Operation Sanctuary, I didn’t think much about it until I saw the other pic from ToHeart – Remember my memories.    Now, I’m not one for conspiracies, but I was curious to see if there were any links between the two. After a bit…

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  • ANAL

    Words fail me as I look at this… Donated by ???

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  • kibbutz

    I didn’t really plan on revisting the subject of nail bats, but examples from Honey & Clover, Mahoraba ~Heartful days~, and SHUFFLE! made me change my mind temporarily.        Speaking of SHUFFLE!, the sensei reminds me of Chizuru for some reason… My eyes hurt, but that should be of no concern to you…

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  • Tide Breakers

    Donated by Kyo_Soma

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