Read More: dressageYet another short update only featuring the Pic of the Week… Sleep is good…
Read More: beefaloBeen pretty busy lately, but I still managed to unearth a tidebreaker and the usual Pic of the Week…
Read More: zucchettoA couple years ago, I bought the CD Single popotan e.p. featuring UNDER 17 and Funta, but I didn’t think too much about the significance of the picture on the back. It was only the other day, when I was at a meeting, that I realized it was a spoof of the cover of…
Read More: xanthousDeeper investigations into (somewhat) mainstream media yielded the following spatulas from Family Guy and the live action version of Nodame Cantabile. The game might be afoot, but before I know for sure, take a look at the suspicious Pic of the Week…