Month: September 2004

  • henji

    Given the small amount of people who visit this site, I’m always amazed when people actually respond to stuff I post here. For instance, Brandon and Gregg both emailed me to tell me that they remembered a nail bat from the movie Escape from New York; Gregg said he’d try to get me the DVD…

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  • tuff

    Typically, English is used in anime as an exotic flavoring, but it isn’t unusual to see other languages, like German or French. The example below is from Shingetsutan Tsukihime. For those of you who know me, it should come as no surprise that I transcribed this sheet of paper. Since I haven’t taken French in…

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    Ginnousuke doesn’t worry about mutants trying to kill him because he drinks SUPER BEER…

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  • Spatulas

    This spatula keeps Hinata informed…

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  • quick

    Who would’ve thought that they’d release another patch for Melty Blood Re•ACT, Ver2.0.0.6, so soon! Just some minor fixes it seems; I’m curious to see if the bug that I mentioned earlier is still present. A while ago, I noticed a bunch of seemingly random signs in Gad Guard.      Now, I have no idea…

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  • donut

    As I was browsing through the Beast’s Lair, someone posted a topic that talks about the new 2.005 patch for Melty Blood Re•ACT. I never really thought that the following picture from Aishiteru ze Baby was parodying an actual store until I was browsing through 2chan. Apparently, there’s a chain of donut stores in Japan…

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  • Spatulas

    The spatula here makes this movie seem odd…

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