Month: February 2005


    Based on the popular movies…

    Read More: INDIAN WARS!
  • fulsome

    I thought the following pic from Kurau: Phantom Memory was neat since it’s a sight I’ve seen before.   I never would’ve imagined that some parts of California were so offensive to Japan that they had to be censored. While San Diego and other cities are clearly labled on the map from the previous post,…

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  • Spatulas

    Kurau is looking for this spatula’s pair…

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  • titan

    I’m always curious about new technology, so I played around with Google Maps a bit – it’s definitely pretty cool. As I was watching more Kurau: Phantom Memory, I noticed that one of the locations where they had a Rynax energy plant was somewhere in San Diego. Since they had a relatively detailed map of…

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  • kousoku

    If you’ve been regularly reading these updates, seeing a sign on a building in Gad Guard, like the one on the left, should come as no surprise – random English phrases seem to be the norm in that series. I was surprised when I was watching Kurau: Phantom Memory and I noticed a variation of…

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  • Vector

    This reminds me of some of the S-VHS tapes that I have. They’re sitting next to my LDs…

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  • stanchion

    I like math as much as the next guy, but, when I saw the following from Cooking Master Boy, I was stunned. I never would have imagined applying a mathematical construct to cooking in such a manner. I suppose that just means that I haven’t cooked enough. I’m still a novice, so this may simply…

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  • oviparous

    In My-HiME, there’s a scene where Mikoto does the usual “drag the huge sword on the ground creating sparks”, but this time it seemed a little odd since she was doing it on grass. This implies that the grass or ground is at least as hard as the sword.     Thinking about this quandry made…

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  • kan

    The image on the left from Hime-chan no Ribbon caught my eye becuase of the alternate spelling. I didn’t think too much about it until I saw another instance in Peach Girl.       I thought this was too much of a coincidence, so after thoroughly searching the internet for 5 minutes, I found the website…

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