
Epic 2006 took place yesterday, and I am still recovering from the beating I took. I realize that half of the readers of this site (6 people), don’t know what I’m talking about, so you might want to take a look at the Official Rules – Information, Match Ups, and Discussion. I snapped a few photos of the gathering for evidence of my exploits (not that I’m actually in any of the pictures).

tenkenchild15 and Evospace warming up  Linalys gathering Moe power
Evospace hanging out  Head-to-Head MBR Competition

Eternal Fighter Zero and Melty Blood Re·ACT were the games of the day, as you can see by those threads. I managed to practice EFZ a bit over the past couple weeks, but it was painfully obvious that I didn’t get to practice much MBR. I should watch the replays, but they’re kind of embarrassing…

A spatula appeared in Family Guy, but it isn’t technically anime, so I thought I’d post it below.

Spatula, Naked Woman Grilling, Peter, Lois

The Pic of the Week almost helped me forget the beatdown I experienced yesterday.
