
The holiday weekend seemed useful enough, so I decided to check out a gathering of gamers over at FFD’s house as mentioned in this thread.

Left to Right: Sklathill, treusbucks, FFD, tenkenchild15  Top Going Counter-Clockwise: Sklathill, tenkenchild15, Le Champ, FFD, idprism

Only 9 people showed up, so we started off playing some Eternal Fighter Zero v4.02. The players for the mini-tournament were tenkenchild15, FFD, The Spatula, KF, treusbucks, and Sklathill. This was also the order in which everyone finished. I played decently, but I still have a long way to go before I’m considered competent. FFD will probably post some of the replays in that thread so you can get an idea of how bad I am with Mishio. ;_;

Sklathill, who uses Kaori, uttered one of the best two quotes of the day while playing KF, who was using Doppel.

Sklathill: Damn your range!
KF: That’s the first time anyone’s complained about my range…

After that, Sklathill had an intense craving for Portillo’s in Buena Park, so seven of us went to get a bit of lunch before continuing the day-long gaming session. In the dining room, the second best quote of the day emerged.

FFD: This sausage is Top-Tier.
Sklathill: Top-Tier sausage!

After that, the nerdiness level shot through the roof.

Downstairs Gathering  USB 2.0 SEGA SATURN PADS - White, Metallic Blue, Gold

The gaming session continued when six more guys showed up for a Mark of the Wolves tournament. It started to get a bit crowded upstairs, so we set up some computers downstairs where we played some casual EFZ and Melty Blood Re·ACT v2.50b. linalys showed up a bit later, and he showed me a trick or two in EFZ. To close up the evening, we played a bit of Queen of Heart ’99 SE. It’s been a while since I’ve played, so it was fun to cut loose in that.

As I was gathering up my equipment, I couldn’t help but appreciate my USB Saturn Pads. ^_^

Everything went pretty smoothly, but I should have played linalys in Party’s Breaker and tried a bit more of Mark of the Wolves. Oh well, maybe next time…

Before I start to remember any more nonsense, grab the Pic of the Week while supplies last!