
I was visiting Alaska a couple of weeks ago, and I took a couple of pics, but I was so busy lately I forgot to post them. The most curious pic is a sign I saw in the Dimond Center, one of Anchorage’s largest malls.

Dimond Center Rules of Conduct Sign in Anchorage, AK

I’ve never noticed a sign like this in any of the other malls I’ve ever been to, so I wonder if they’re anywhere else. Of course, I never notice a lot of things in real life because I try to use my powers of observation for trivial things in anime, like the following pic from Aquarian Age.

The Best Things In Life, PICK UP Me Drinks from Aquarian Age   shangllira Sign from Comic Party Revolution

They say “The Best Things In Life” are free, but that doesn’t seem to be true in anime. We can clearly see that it is packaged and for sale in a vending machine. The implications are staggering.

Even more surprising, is the subtle reference to Alice in Wonderland; instead of “Eat Me” or “Drink Me” we have “PICK UP Me”. I wonder what effect it has on an anime character…

Finally, in Comic Party Revolution, the true location of the mysterious nation from Lost Horizon was revealed; contrary to popular belief, it seems to be somewhere in Japan.

Helen Pohl was kind enough to donate a tidebreaker she saw; I now have 25 instances of this curious concrete construct. This calls for a celebration, and I’ll start the party with the Pic of the Week.

Yeah, not much of a party, but it’s all I can afford right now…