
Most people don’t realize that I like to look for odd things in anime. For instance, in Mahoraba ~Heartful days~ Nanako was drawing on the wall and I thought it was neat how they had a shot of the wall from the other side.

 Nanako Drawing (A) from Mahoraba ~Heartful days~   Nanako Drawing (B) from Mahoraba ~Heartful days~   Nanako Drawing (C) from Mahoraba ~Heartful days~   Nanako Drawing (D) from Mahoraba ~Heartful days~

While this in itself was interesting, Nanako’s drawing technique is quite advanced. As you can see in the last three panels, she managed to draw a curve even though the arc her hand went through was a straight line. I never learned this technique when I was taking art classes, but I do admit to only taking a couple semesters…

I’m going to peruse some art books for that technique now, so I leave you with the abstract Pic of the Week.