
I was out eating pho with some friends the other week, and we noticed a curious sign.


I looked around for an “All Your Base” sign, but I couldn’t find one. I didn’t leave disappointed though, because the iced coffee was pretty good.

While I was skimming through DNA², I noticed some curious things on the screen Karin was watching. For the picture on the left, I used to write programs like this, and I never would’ve expected to see it as something that they’d use from the future. I’d make fun of them, but it’s hard to argue with people who’ve developed the ability to travel through time. Of course, their computers sing information, so I don’t know what to think now…

Computer Program from DNA 2     Chemical Formula for Mega Playboy Bullet from DNA 2

The other picture features some chemical structures, but they don’t really make any sense. For instance, one of the Hydrogens is bonded to two Nitrogen atoms using a total of three bonds! It’s common knowledge that Hydrogen only has one electron, so such a structure is quite impossible. After thinking about it a bit, I figure they edited the real forumula. The producers of anime would never put a real forumla in their shows since it might inspire viewers to create mega-playboy super soldiers that can be controlled by electromagnetic waves.

People make mistakes though, and I’ll be watching…