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I was watching Airmaster the other day, and, as usual, I noticed something curious:

Miori and Stuffed Frog    Anita and Stuffed Frog

I thought, Miori from Airmaster (first picture on the left) sure looks and acts a lot like Anita from Read or Die: The T.V. A shade of red for hair color? Check. Sometimes acts like a brat? Check. Stuffed frog as a favorite plaything? Check. Of course, similarities in characters is quite common in anime, so it didn’t seem like a great insight; however, this pointed my thoughts in another direction…

Nayuki and Stuffed Frog

The frog reminded me of Nayuki from Kanon, and that broke the pattern of bratty red-headed kids who like stuffed frogs. Or did it? The hair color aside, all three of these characters act like kids. Nayuki may be in high school, but she still needs to grow up, which was a key point in the development of her character in Kanon. Apparently, the stuffed frog is the Japanese cultural equivalent of the teddy bear in America.

Is this an amazing insight, or the results of an obsessive mind? You decide…