
I put off watching BECK for a long time since it didn’t seem like something I would want to watch. I would have put it off for longer, but I had the following curious conversation:

Neighbor: So, what’re you watching?
Me: An anime called Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Neighbor: Oh… hey, you should watch BECK. It’s one of the best shows out there. Well, maybe not the best, but it’s at least in the top 10. It’s about a boy trying to find himself as he’s growing up.
Me: Sounds curious. I’ll check it out.
Neighbor: You should.

I’m about halfway through it, and while it’s not in my Top 10, it’s been good so far. Being inspired to make a new animated gif is a plus. ^_^

Minami Maho eating a burger from BECK

One response

  1. TReusbucks Avatar

    Ano Hana is better than BECK. :V

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